Sunday, April 18

Leather and Lace

Jeans - J Brand, Belt - Vintage, Lace Tee - ooyoo
White Tank - Mendocino, Vest - Line

Yesterday I faced a new to make a quick transition from day to night without looking too formal during the daytime. The solution? Why the beginnings of an updo paired with more casual clothing of course! While I am no hair expert (my friends will all attest to this), this look was pretty simple to create and the only thing you have to do for nighttime is add a few more pins!

Here's how you do it:
- Use a flatiron to create "kinky curls" by grabbing random 1-2" sections of hair and twisting them in a circle around the body.
- Tie hair in a loose ponytail, leaving some shorter strands out at the front.
- Use pins to secure any loose hairs at the sides and top.
For Night:
- Cover ponytail elastic with hair by wrapping strands around to form a bun. Pin any more loose pieces (such as the front strands) for a more formal look. The overall effect is a tousled up-do.

I am confident that all of you readers will be able to create this's a nice change from your standard pony! Best of luck. :)

Friday, April 16

Two's a Pair

While I am quite busy amidst final exam pressures, I had the wonderful pleasure the other night of *finally* seeing Tim Burton's rendition of "Alice in Wonderland". I must admit that I was quite skeptical initially (it is my favourite children's story after all), but I was quite pleased with the results! Tim Burton and the entire crew did a great job at bringing one of my greatest childhood pleasures back to life. The film itself was thoroughly entertaining, the effects were well done, and the acting was splendid (for the most part anyway). I also fell madly in love with Tweedle Dee and Dum who are just too cute for words. Glad I finally jumped on the bandwagon!

Saturday, April 3


I just purchased a brand new pair of platform pumps today which I cannot get over. There are only three initials which can adequately express how I feel about these...OMG!

Thursday, April 1

C'est un Chaise!

Beret - Dynamite, Men's Jacket - England,
Blouse - Danier, Vest - Zara, Bracelets - H&M,
Jeans - Urban Outfitters, Shoes - B2

One of the funny things about living in a Canadian city is that as soon as warm weather hits people get a little confused. Today I witnessed a strange mixture of street style ranging from summer dresses with flip flops to winter coats and boots. The transition is never easy but my personal philosophy is layering. If it's too hot take off a layer, if you get chilly again you can always throw it back on. I also haven't worn coloured lipstick in a while so thought I'd try that out again. I find a red hued lip is always very empowering. Whatever your warm weather philosophy is, I hope you're all enjoying the sun!