Wednesday, June 3

One's Company

Personally, I am a fan of unique gifts. Things which are creative, different, interesting (that means no flowers prospective future boyfriends!) As I am attending my last sewing class tomorrow I will be forced to say farewell to my teacher whom I have become very close with over the years. As a parting gift I decided to make her a sock monkey (always a good companion!) They really are not too difficult to construct, and make an awesome gift. If you are looking to make one for yourself or another just go here:
(or if you were looking to save time you could always buy one at a craft show and claim it as your own creation...)
Anyway, until next time, Nikki signing off.


Van said...

Nikki! You're so talented, my goodness,
i say you give the thing a big ol' black moustache,a curly one :)

Sir Pumpkin Longshanks said...

Fabio approves of this.