Friday, April 16

Two's a Pair

While I am quite busy amidst final exam pressures, I had the wonderful pleasure the other night of *finally* seeing Tim Burton's rendition of "Alice in Wonderland". I must admit that I was quite skeptical initially (it is my favourite children's story after all), but I was quite pleased with the results! Tim Burton and the entire crew did a great job at bringing one of my greatest childhood pleasures back to life. The film itself was thoroughly entertaining, the effects were well done, and the acting was splendid (for the most part anyway). I also fell madly in love with Tweedle Dee and Dum who are just too cute for words. Glad I finally jumped on the bandwagon!

1 comment:

Van Wickiam said...

Yaaaaay, im glad the movie was good. Now i feel kind of obligated to go see :o