Sunday, February 7

Popular Culture

While my 'Popular Culture' textbook would likely heavily advise me against such low-minded things (I love electives), I have managed to consume my fair pair of pop culture this past week. Firstly, I have finally finished reading Emily Bronte's acclaimed classic 'Wuthering Heights'. To be honest, I'm not quite sure how I feel about it yet. I didn't set any expectations going in so I am neither pleased nor displeased. It was an interesting take on a romance though, I was not expecting so much brutality! I also saw 'Youth In Revolt' last night which I thoroughly enjoyed. It was smart, witty, fresh (if anything is fresh these days), and just plain funny. I highly recommend it. I am seriously desperate to discuss these matters with somebody! Perhaps I should join a book uncool it's cool...or the other way around. Really, who cares anyway? Time to bury myself in a new book! In case you want to join my club, I'm starting 'Like Water for Chocolate' by Laura Esquirel. I've been told it's wonderful. Until next time, happy reading!

1 comment:

Van Wickiam said...

I'm glad you enjoyed Youth in Revolt, i've been wanting to see it, it looks quite funny, it's good to hear some positive feedback on the movie!

Perhaps you should FOUND a book club, how does that sound? Sounds pretty bitchin' to me.... i wish i read more, then I could relate to your literary pleasures, i'm just too impatient to read, I need to change that (sorrylongcomment)