Thursday, March 25

Getting Graphic

Today I experienced one of those truly miraculous mornings when you rediscover a piece of clothing you had completely forgotten you owned. As I was rifling through my closet this bland Thursday I stumbled upon this beige Vena Cava for the Gap dress. I remembered how excited I had been to find this in store last year (the last one, marked down, in my size!) and decided it must be worn. I think it's a good school piece. The simplistic design is comfortable and conservative enough but still makes a sharp statement. I also love it paired with a leather jacket (like everything else!). Ah, to be young and forgetful...

1 comment:

Van Wickiam said...

I can actually relate to this post lol
i found my Where the Wild Things Are t-shirt the other day, when in a desperate search for some clothes, i was very pleased :D