Thursday, June 25

To Jump(suit) or Not

Over the past few seasons jumpsuits have been all the rage in fashion, appearing in various editorials, and on multiple celebrities. My initial feelings about the jumpsuit were lukewarm, some stars have managed to pull the look off quite nicely (kudos goes to Blake Lively!) while others have failed miserably. I still ended up buying my own suit (also referred to as a romper) back in February and thought it would be adorable paired with heart shaped sunglasses and a bicycle! What do you think? Should us 'real people' dare to donne the jumpsuit on the streets or should the look be left in the pages of VOGUE? Share your thoughts!

[Side Note:] As you have all probably heard by now (if you do not live in a hole) today marked the date of a very tragic event as Michael Jackson has just passed due to cariac arrest. While there are many things that can be said about the incredibly talented musician that he was I will leave it at this: R.I.P. MJ, you will not be forgotten.


Van said...

Well, you look great, i think you pull it off wonderfully

Shame about mj :(

Shannon Hughes. xo said...

you, as a real person look fab in the romper.
me; i don't think this real person could quite pull it off. jealous =)