Monday, August 10

A 'Little' Piece of Advice

I am currently in the midst of organising my shoe collection (a surprisingly entertaining chore), but couldn't help popping on briefly to share my favourite new artist! Her name (ironically) is "Little Boots", due to her petite stature. And, well, she rocks! I first discovered her in the June 2009 issue of British VOGUE, and continued to read about her in NYLON many times over. Inspired I checked out her myspace and cannot get enough of it! I had a lot of difficulty picking a photo for this post because there were numerous awesome ones to choose from, however I settled upon this graphic image featuring the songstress as a brunette (no personal bias here!) As I return to my shoes I advise you to download this girl's music ASAP before she ends up on everyone's radar!

Check out "Little Boots" myspace page here:

She also has tracks available on itunes!

1 comment:

Van said...

Her myspace has a great layout!

I was listening to "Stuck on repeat" earlier, I didn't know who it was by though, it sneaked into the irp(indierockplaylist) i download.
Got a fun sound :D

Good find nikki