Saturday, August 29

Grownup Girl

So I know I've been a little late on the posting but it is because I have just moved into my university residence and life here is crazy! Seriously...this is my first spare moment all week. Above are photos taken of me just before I went out for a final group dinner with all of my friends from home. I will miss them dearly but the people here are fantastic! Wish me luck in dorm life. I will be posting soon! :)

P.S. The dress is vintage, tights are from Zara, shoes are from Winners, and jacket is vintage (dress and jacket both courtesy of my mom!)

1 comment:

Van said...

It's funny I've been reading all about college stuff this week on College humor about dorms, roomate horror stories and RAs and such, and it all seems intimidating(reading it all here )

So i'm defiently interested in hearing about what its like for you...when you know, you get the chance...i'm sure you're going to be insanely busy most of the time. Random thought, is it weird that i read your posts in your voice lawl?

This is quite a long comment, i do apologize,

In regards to your outfit, i always love the extras you have, like coats or jackets you carry around, they're always very cool.

anyways, enjoy enjoy enjoy enjoy, and good luck with your dorm life, make sure to write all about it!