Monday, May 25

Teaser: Fetish Footwear

Today as I was watching my favourite cheesy television show The Bachelorette, I witnessed a true example of the most deadly type of male, the foot fetish guy. Yes, these seemingly eligible bachelors roam the streets much like the rest of us, and can only be detected by their unnaturally strong attraction to the bare foot (often of a woman). A terrifying thought.

With this in mind, I myself happened to pick up some killer fetish footwear of my own on my recent trip downtown. These strappy stilettos would surely catch the eye (and heart) of any true foot enthusiast. Since I generally want to avoid the company of this sort (no offense!), when I decide to take these shoes out for a walk in the streets, I'll be watching my back...and my feet too!


Van said...

Well Nikki
You've captured my heart with your picture, of course you know why.

I've never seen the sexual appeal of feet, really, they're feet...those are some nifty shoes though

great photoshop work =3

Emily Nelson said...

oh ma lord! I saw that too, he better be voted off. He creeps me out!